
Does zyBooks Check for Plagiarism?

Plagiarism in the academic world, especially in the realm of programming, can be a persistent challenge for educators. With the rise of technology and AI-based solutions, the arms race between cheating detection and innovative ways to cheat has never been more fierce. Also, delve into the methods Zybooks uses to detect cheating, complementing their approach to plagiarism.

Does zyBooks check for plagiarism?

Yes, zyBooks does check for plagiarism. They have incorporated several features and tools designed not only to detect, but also to deter, plagiarism in students’ submissions.

Key Features for Plagiarism Detection

Similarity Checker

ZyBooks offers a “similarity checker” feature that highlights similarities in programming submissions among students, akin to Stanford’s MOSS program. This ensures that instructors can easily spot submissions that may be too similar, suggesting possible copying or unauthorized collaboration.

Coding Trails

Introduced as a preventive measure, the zyLab “coding trail” feature provides a compact representation of a student’s history of effort with a zyLab. With this feature:

  • Students are made aware that their efforts are being tracked, which could deter potential plagiarists.
  • Instructors can compare student submissions on a zyLab to determine the acceptability of their similarity.
  • These trails are available right below the student’s code output or the Submit button, making it accessible and integrated.

APEX Tool and ChatGPT-generated Programs

ZyBooks tested the ability of their autograding system to detect programs generated by AI tools like ChatGPT. The findings revealed:

  • ChatGPT-generated programs often deviate in style from standard instructional guidelines, leading to detectable “style anomalies”.
  • ChatGPT, when used by multiple students, tends to produce highly similar programs which the similarity checker would likely flag.
  • Students using ChatGPT show a significantly reduced coding time compared to their peers, making them stand out.

What’s the takeaway? It’s not just about catching cheaters but teaching students the importance of academic integrity through demonstration and integration of these tools into their learning experience.

Playback History

The Playback History feature in zyBooks shows every step a student takes in their assignment, from the characters they type to the blocks of code they might paste in. This granular view provides another layer of insight into potential cheating activities.

Preventive Measures and Recommendations

While detection is crucial, zyBooks strongly advocates for cheating prevention. They recommend:

  • Displaying the Similarity Checker and Coding Trails in the early weeks of the semester to set the tone.
  • Using real anonymized assignments to discuss code similarities and differences, making it a learning experience.
  • Understanding why students may be tempted to cheat and addressing those root causes proactively.

By integrating these tools and strategies into the learning experience, educators can make a powerful statement: not only can cheating be detected, but it’s far more rewarding to embrace the learning journey with honesty and integrity.


In the digital age, the challenge of academic dishonesty is ever-evolving. However, with tools like zyBooks, instructors are well-equipped to tackle this challenge head-on, fostering a culture of integrity and genuine learning.


1. What does zyBooks track?

zyBooks records all student actions in its Coding Trail functionality, tracking code runs and submissions for grading.

2. Does zyLabs detect cheating?

Yes, zyLabs uses a Similarity Checker to identify significant similarities in programming submissions, indicating potential plagiarism.

3. Can you cheat on zyBooks?

While fully eliminating cheating is challenging, zyBooks employs proactive measures and AI advancements to detect and minimize cheating opportunities.

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