
Unlocking the Power of Turnitin Draft Coach: A Guide for Students

As students strive for excellence in their academic writing, Turnitin Draft Coach emerges as a valuable ally in the drafting process. Turnitin Draft Coach is a feature designed to provide students with writing assistance and feedback during the drafting process. However, its availability may depend on your institution’s subscription and integration with Turnitin.

This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to access Turnitin Draft Coach, its availability, and the myriad benefits it offers to students seeking to enhance their writing skills.

How to Get Turnitin Draft Coach

  • Check Institutional Subscription:

Ensure that your educational institution has a Turnitin subscription that includes the Draft Coach feature

Draft Coach availability may depend on the specific license and integration with your institution’s learning management system (LMS).

  • Login to Turnitin:

Access Turnitin by visiting the official website or logging in through your institution’s LMS where Turnitin is integrated.

  • Navigate to Assignment Inbox:

Find the assignment or course where you wish to use Turnitin Draft Coach. Typically, this is within the assignment inbox or the Turnitin interface on your LMS.

  • Submit a Draft:

Look for the option to submit a draft version of your paper. If Draft Coach is available, you should see specific instructions for submitting your draft for feedback.

  • Follow Submission Guidelines:

Carefully follow the submission guidelines provided by Turnitin. These may include file format requirements, draft submission deadlines, and any additional instructions from your instructor.

How to Access Turnitin Draft Coach

  • Review Draft Feedback:

After submitting your draft, Turnitin Draft Coach will provide feedback on various elements of your writing. Access this feedback through the Turnitin interface or your LMS.

  • Explore Writing Suggestions:

Turnitin Draft Coach may offer writing suggestions, identify grammatical errors, and provide insights into improving your writing style. Explore these suggestions to enhance the overall quality of your paper.

  • Utilize Plagiarism Checks:

While primarily a feedback tool, Turnitin Draft Coach may also include preliminary plagiarism checks

Use this feature to ensure that your work adheres to academic integrity standards.

Benefits of Turnitin Draft Coach

  • Early Intervention for Improvement:

Turnitin Draft Coach allows you to receive feedback at an early stage of the writing process, enabling you to make improvements and corrections before the final submission.

  • Enhanced Writing Skills:

The detailed feedback provided by Draft Coach serves as a guide for improving your writing skills, addressing common mistakes, and refining your overall writing style.

  • Grammar and Style Guidance:

Draft Coach goes beyond simple grammar checks, offering guidance on writing style, sentence structure, and overall coherence

This comprehensive feedback contributes to the development of a polished and professional writing approach.

  • Increased Confidence:

By receiving constructive feedback during the drafting phase, you can approach the final submission with increased confidence, knowing that your work has undergone thorough review and improvement.

  • Plagiarism Awareness:

Turnitin Draft Coach may include preliminary plagiarism checks, raising awareness of proper citation practices and discouraging unintentional plagiarism.

  • Support for Academic Success:

Utilizing Turnitin Draft Coach aligns with a commitment to academic success. 

The tool supports your journey toward excellence in academic writing by providing the necessary guidance and feedback to meet high standards.


Turnitin Draft Coach emerges as a pivotal tool in the academic writer’s toolkit, offering a bridge between the drafting phase and the final submission. By understanding how to access Draft Coach, students can unlock its benefits, ensuring that their writing journeys are marked by continuous improvement, increased confidence, and a commitment to academic excellence.

It’s essential to note that the availability and features of Turnitin Draft Coach can vary depending on the specific subscription and settings configured by your educational institution. If you are having trouble accessing Turnitin Draft Coach, consider reaching out to your instructor, the IT support team at your institution, or consulting the official Turnitin support resources for assistance.

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