
Can Turnitin Detect Grammarly?

Whether you’re penning down your thesis or composing an essay, ensuring your work is free from plagiarism is imperative for maintaining academic honesty. With tools like Grammarly and Turnitin at your disposal, detecting and rectifying duplicate content has never been easier. If you’re in a dilemma about which tool to use, this comprehensive guide will provide insights into both, helping you make an informed decision. While exploring if Turnitin can detect Grammarly, it’s also vital to know if Turnitin saves your paper in its database.

Can Turnitin Detect Grammarly?

No, Turnitin is not designed to pinpoint modifications made by Grammarly related to spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Instead, its focus is primarily on AI-generated content, like those from models such as GPT-3.5. While Grammarly offers versatile features catering to various writers, including students, fiction authors, and business writers, Turnitin specializes in identifying plagiarism, often submitting your work directly to the instructor.

What is Grammarly?

Grammarly is a renowned online platform that checks grammar and offers suggestions beyond mere spelling and punctuation. It detects tone, sentence structure, and cohesiveness issues, acting as an advanced AI writing assistant. The tool scans your work against billions of web pages and publications, flagging any duplicate content, and provides source links for citation. With its vast array of features, Grammarly stands out as a premier online grammar checker.

What is Turnitin?

Turnitin, predominantly used by educational institutions, is a plagiarism detection software that examines the originality of student submissions. While many see it as a “text-matching software” rather than a plagiarism tool, its core function remains consistent: comparing your content with a vast database that includes websites, journals, and student papers. Turnitin then generates an “Originality Report” used by educators for grading purposes.

Grammarly vs. Turnitin

Character Limit100,00025,000-30,000
Originality ScoreYesYes
Database1.7 billion+ Websites with Offline Database1.7 billion+ Websites with Offline Database
Extra FeaturesSpelling and Grammar CheckerEmail Reminders and Images

Pros, Cons & Features

  • Highly accurate plagiarism checker.
  • Displays originality score with source links.
  • Quick loading time.
  • Extensive plagiarism checking.
  • Supports multiple languages.
  • Pricier option.
  • No support for languages other than English.
  • Limited features for the price.
  • Cannot edit once submitted.
  • Ranges from plagiarism checking to proofreading.
  • Scans against a vast database.
  • Points out plagiarized sections and offers source links.
  • Provides an option to edit.
  • Offers grading tools for instructors.
  • Provides a grammar check report.
  • Doesn’t offer correction suggestions.
  • Beneficial for both educators and students.


When it comes to ensuring the originality and quality of your writing, both Grammarly and Turnitin offer unique advantages. Grammarly excels in grammar checking and offers users the flexibility to edit their work after checking for plagiarism, catering to a diverse range of writers. Turnitin, on the other hand, is an essential tool for educational settings, focusing on academic integrity and providing comprehensive originality reports.


1. Is it safe to check plagiarism online?
Most online plagiarism checkers adhere to strict privacy policies, ensuring that the submitted content remains confidential. Users also have the option to delete their data after the plagiarism check.

2. Is the plagiarism checker accurate?
The accuracy of a plagiarism checker varies. Factors like database size and the employed algorithm play a crucial role. For instance, while Grammarly and Turnitin both check for plagiarism, their accuracy levels might differ.

3. Does Turnitin detect paraphrasing?
Turnitin doesn’t detect word-for-word matches. Instead, it evaluates the overall content expression. Properly paraphrased content that retains the original meaning without directly copying the source should pass Turnitin’s scrutiny.

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