
Can Students Use Turnitin Before Submitting Their Work?

In the fast-paced world of academia, the demand for originality and academic integrity is higher than ever. To assist students in maintaining these standards, tools like Turnitin have become invaluable. This article explores the benefits and uses of Turnitin and guides students on how to leverage its capabilities before submitting their work.

Turnitin is an online plagiarism detection service that helps educators and institutions identify potential instances of plagiarism in student papers. Originally developed to address the growing concern of academic dishonesty, Turnitin has evolved into a comprehensive tool that serves multiple purposes.

Can students use Turnitin Before Submitting?

  • Students generally do not have direct access to Turnitin for pre-submission checks on their own. 
  • Turnitin is typically integrated into educational institutions’ learning management systems (LMS) or online platforms, and it is the instructors or administrators who use it to assess and evaluate student submissions.

How Students Can Use Turnitin?

1. Accessing Turnitin through Educational Platforms:

Many educational institutions integrate Turnitin into their learning management systems (LMS) or online platforms. Students can access Turnitin through these platforms, typically by navigating to the assignment submission section.

2. Uploading Drafts for Pre-submission Checks:

To utilize Turnitin’s pre-submission check, students can upload a draft of their paper to the system. This helps identify any potential plagiarism or citation issues before the final submission, allowing students to make necessary revisions and maintain academic integrity.

  • Reviewing Similarity Reports:

Once the paper is submitted, students receive a similarity report that highlights matched content. It is essential for students to carefully review these reports, understand the nature of the matches, and make necessary corrections if needed.

Pre-submission Alternative Before Final Submission

  • Nonetheless, some academic institutions might permit students to use Turnitin by means of a pre-submission check comparable to the “Draft Checking” option. 
  • In these situations, students can use the Turnitin system to submit a draft or pre-submission version of their work in order to receive a similarity report and find any potential problems before submitting the final version. 
  • Individual educational institutions’ policies and settings determine whether or not this feature is available.

Uses and Benefits of Turnitin

  • Plagiarism Detection:

The primary purpose of Turnitin is to identify instances of plagiarism in students’ work. It compares submitted papers against a vast database of academic content, including journals, books, and other student submissions. 

This helps instructors ensure the authenticity and originality of the submitted assignments.

  • Feedback on Writing Style and Citations:

Turnitin not only detects potential plagiarism but also provides valuable feedback on writing style, citation practices, and other aspects of academic writing. 

This helps students understand their strengths and weaknesses, facilitating continuous improvement.

Students can use this feedback to improve their writing skills and enhance their understanding of proper citation methods.

  • Early Submission for Personal Improvement:

One often overlooked benefit of Turnitin is that students can use it before the official submission. By uploading a draft or pre-submission version of their work, students can receive a similarity report highlighting potential issues. 

This allows them to make necessary revisions and avoid unintentional plagiarism before the final submission.


Turnitin is a powerful ally for students in the quest for academic excellence. By using this tool responsibly and proactively, students can ensure the authenticity of their work, receive valuable feedback, and enhance their overall writing skills. Embracing Turnitin as a learning tool contributes not only to academic success but also to the development of strong ethical practices in education.

While Turnitin offers numerous benefits, students need to use the tool responsibly and understand that its primary purpose is to maintain academic integrity. Using Turnitin as a tool for self-improvement and learning contributes not only to individual success but also to the overall integrity of academic institutions.

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