
What Is No Repository In Turnitin?

Turnitin is a digital platform that checks academic papers for similarity and potential plagiarism. One of its key features is the repository option, which determines how student papers are stored and compared. This article delves into the Turnitin repository options, how to exclude bibliographic material, and methods to remove a paper from the Turnitin repository. For those interested in the nuances of plagiarism detection, including how Turnitin handles translated texts, you may find the article “Can Turnitin Detect Translated Texts?” particularly insightful, as it delves deeper into the complexities of plagiarism detection in various contexts.

What are Turnitin’s No Repository Options?

No Repository: Selecting this ensures that student papers aren’t stored in any repository, neither the standard nor the institution’s. Consequently, they won’t be checked for collusion with papers from the same or different institutions.

Turnitin offers various repository options for instructors to decide where the student papers should be stored:

  • Standard Paper Repository: This option enables student papers to be compared against submissions from other institutions.
  • Institution Paper Repository: Papers are stored specifically within an institution’s private repository. They’re compared only with other papers within the same institution, but they’re still checked against all Turnitin databases.
  • Student’s Choice of Repository: This option empowers students to decide where their paper should be stored.

Exclude Bibliographic Material

Turnitin gives instructors the flexibility to exclude specific sections from the similarity check. Some of these exclusions are:

  • Excluding Bibliography: Texts in the bibliography, works cited, or references can be excluded from similarity checks. This can be overridden in individual reports.
  • Excluding Quotes: Any text within quotes can be left out from similarity checks. Similar to the bibliography, this can also be overridden in individual reports.
  • Excluding Small Sources: This feature lets instructors exclude sources that fall below a certain word count or percentage threshold. It helps in focusing on more significant matches in the Similarity Reports.

How to Remove a Paper from the Turnitin Repository?

Requesting a Permanent Deletion

If you wish to permanently delete a paper, there are specific steps and considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Papers, grading, and Similarity Reports associated with the file will be removed.
  2. After 30 days, this action is irreversible.
  3. For deletion, navigate to the desired assignment, select the paper, click on ‘Delete’, and follow the guided process.

Removing a Paper from the Inbox

Removing a paper from the inbox doesn’t delete it permanently. Instead, it just hides it from the inbox view. Should you accidentally remove a paper, it can only be recovered by contacting Turnitin’s support team.


Turnitin provides comprehensive and flexible options for managing and storing academic papers, with a focus on maintaining academic integrity. Its repository options, including No Repository, allow for tailored use in diverse educational settings. The ability to exclude bibliographic material and specific sources enhances the accuracy of similarity reports. Finally, Turnitin’s extensive database, although not exhaustive, significantly aids in the detection of plagiarism across a wide range of digital and published sources.

Given the complexities and nuances of plagiarism detection detailed in the article, particularly in handling translated texts and ensuring academic integrity, educators and students striving for originality in their submissions may benefit from additional resources. For those seeking to further refine and humanize their written work, visiting OneClickHuman can provide valuable assistance in converting AI-generated content into content that reflects human nuance and creativity, ensuring submissions are not only original but also resonate with human expression.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why should instructors expire their classes after the end of each semester?

Expiring classes at the semester’s end ensures all enrolled students become inactive. It helps in decluttering the account for a new semester, especially after spotting duplications or fake student accounts.

2. What can I do if I submit a paper to the wrong class?

Students who mistakenly submit to the wrong class should enroll in the correct one and re-upload their paper. Instructors can then exclude matches from the incorrectly uploaded paper to view the new report without the previous submission’s matches.

3. Has Turnitin included every source: books, web pages, publications, unpublished works, etc.?

Turnitin boasts a vast database comprising 200 million archived student papers, 17 billion web pages, and 90,000 journals, periodicals, and books. However, certain sources, especially those available only in print, may not be included.

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