
A Guide to Correcting Passive Voice Misuse with Grammarly

Using passive voice in your writing can sometimes make it sound weak and less interesting. Although there are times when it’s okay to use passive voice, it can be hard to understand and make your writing less effective. Luckily, there’s a helpful tool called Grammarly that can spot and fix passive voice mistakes. In this article, we’ll show you how to use Grammarly to improve your writing by avoiding passive voice.

Steps on Correcting the Use of Passive Voice with Grammarly

Step 1: Understanding Passive Voice

If you want to write well, it’s important to know about passive voice. It happens when the thing that gets the action is the subject of the sentence. This can make your writing hard to understand because it’s not clear who did what. For example, “The book is read by him” is passive, but “He reads a book” is active. So, if you want your writing to be clear and easy to read, it’s best to avoid passive voice.

Step 2: Identifying Passive Voice with Grammarly

Grammarly is a tool with a feature that can help you avoid using a passive voice in your writing. This is important because using passive voice can make your writing sound less clear and more complicated. Grammarly scans your writing underlines any sentences that use passive voice, and then suggests ways to make them better. This can be helpful if you’re not sure how to recognize passive voice or how to fix it.

Step 3: Utilizing Grammarly’s Suggestions

Once Grammarly identifies passive voice in your writing, it provides alternative suggestions to rewrite the sentence in active voice. These suggestions often involve rephrasing the sentence to emphasize the doer of the action rather than the recipient. By following Grammarly’s recommendations, you can transform passive voice sentences into active sentences that enhance clarity and readability.

Step 4: Manual Review and Contextual Considerations

Although the suggestions provided by Grammarly are valuable, it is crucial to manually review each instance of passive voice to ensure that the suggested revisions align with your intended meaning and context. Not all passive constructions are inherently incorrect, particularly in academic or formal writing where it may be appropriate to emphasize the recipient of the action. By taking into account the context of your writing, you can make informed decisions about whether to accept Grammarly’s suggestions or retain passive voice constructions that are relevant to your message.

Step 5: Learning from Corrections

One of the key benefits of using Grammarly to fix passive voice misuse is the opportunity to learn from your mistakes. As you review and accept Grammarly’s suggestions, you’ll gain a better understanding of how passive voice impacts your writing and how to avoid it in the future. Over time, this process can help you develop stronger writing skills and produce more effective, engaging content.


When you write, it’s important to consider your audience. People have different needs and require different information. To make your writing clear and effective, Grammarly can help you detect and correct passive voice errors. By using Grammarly’s passive voice detection feature and reviewing its suggestions, you can turn passive sentences into active ones that resonate with your readers. This will ultimately improve your writing mechanics and communication skills. Using active voice is essential for impactful writing, and Grammarly can help you achieve that goal.


1. What is passive voice, and why is it considered a problem in writing?

Passive voice occurs when the subject of a sentence is acted upon rather than acting. It can make writing less clear, less direct, and harder to follow, which is why it’s often discouraged in academic and professional writing.

2. What are some common indicators of passive voice that Grammarly detects?

Grammarly typically flags sentences with passive voice when they contain variations of the verb “to be” (e.g., is, are, was, were) combined with a past participle (e.g., written, seen, discussed) without a clear subject acting.

3. Can Grammarly distinguish between intentional and unintentional use of passive voice?

Grammarly’s algorithms are designed to identify passive voice regardless of intent. While passive voice may be appropriate in certain contexts, Grammarly aims to help users maintain clarity and coherence in their writing by flagging passive constructions for review.

4. Is it always necessary to fix passive voice when Grammarly detects it?

While passive voice isn’t always incorrect, particularly in certain academic or formal writing contexts, Grammarly’s suggestions aim to enhance clarity and readability. Users have the discretion to accept or reject Grammarly’s recommendations based on their intended tone and audience.

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