
Does Chat GPT Come Up on Turnitin?

In today’s world where AI writing tools are gaining traction, the importance of preserving academic integrity is paramount. It’s no surprise that educators are concerned about the integrity of student submissions, especially with advanced tools like ChatGPT in the picture. But can Turnitin, a well-known plagiarism-detection software, detect content generated by ChatGPT? ChatGPT-generated content may or may not be detected by Turnitin, depending on factors like originality and customization. For a deeper understanding and strategies, check out our article on ‘How to Make Turnitin Not Detect ChatGPT’ for comprehensive insights and tips.

Does Turnitin Detect Chat GPT?

Yes, Turnitin can detect Chat GPT AI-generated content with an impressive 98% accuracy. As AI writing tools like ChatGPT become more prevalent, Turnitin has advanced its technology to identify and combat this emerging form of misconduct. With Turnitin’s technology, universities and educators can maintain the essence of originality and authenticity in student submissions. Turnitin’s ChatGPT Screening goes the extra mile, not just highlighting plagiarized content but also inspecting content written through AI chatbots.

How Does Turnitin Detects Chatgpt?

Turnitin employs a robust detection model to identify content produced by AI language models, including versions like ChatGPT GPT-3, GPT-3.5, and even GPT-4 or ChatGPT Plus. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

  • Content is segmented into chunks of several hundred words, ensuring the context of each sentence is preserved.
  • Each text segment is evaluated, assigning sentences a score between 0 (human-written) and 1 (AI-generated).
  • By averaging scores across the document, Turnitin provides an estimate of the AI-generated content percentage.
  • The logic rests on word sequence probabilities. Unlike human writers who display randomness in word choices, AI-generated content, trained on vast internet texts, follows highly predictable patterns.

It’s worth noting that Turnitin’s AI detection is different from their Authorship system. While the AI detection model gauges the percentage of AI-generated content, the Authorship system determines if the submission deviates from the student’s usual writing style.

Turnitin ChatGPT Screening

The introduction of AI chatbots like ChatGPT has made content generation a breeze. Students, at times, resort to using these for assignments, jeopardizing the core objectives of academic tasks. However, with Turnitin ChatGPT Screening, educational institutions can ensure the genuineness of the content. It doesn’t just detect but analyzes the originality from scratch.

Why Is This Significant?

Turnitin’s advancements aren’t just about catching cheaters; it’s about preserving the educational ethos. Relying on AI chatbots to craft assignments undermines the purpose of academic tasks – enhancing skills, knowledge, and critical thought. Ensuring originality in student work is essential, and Turnitin’s ability to detect AI chatbot-generated content plays a vital role in this mission.


To wrap it up, Turnitin is more than equipped to identify Chat GPT-generated content, safeguarding academic standards and encouraging students to produce genuine work. As AI continues to progress, tools like Turnitin will remain indispensable in upholding the tenets of academic integrity.


1. What gets flagged on Turnitin?

Turnitin’s advanced algorithms thoroughly scan the document. If they detect any anomalies or deviations from typical submissions, Turnitin will flag it for further review.

2. What can I exclude from Turnitin?

In Turnitin, users have the liberty to exclude bibliographies or specific sections containing quotes and references used by the author.

3. Can you outsmart Turnitin?

While challenging, outsmarting Turnitin is possible. By rewriting ChatGPT-generated content, altering sentence structures, incorporating personal anecdotes, and other such techniques, one can craft authentic content that bypasses AI-detection tools like Turnitin.

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