Can Turnitin Detect Screenshots? An In-Depth Analysis

Turnitin is widely known as a robust plagiarism detection tool used by educational institutions worldwide. Its primary function is to analyze text-based content for similarities with other documents, academic papers, and online sources. However, a common question that arises is: Can Turnitin detect screenshots? This article explores the capabilities and limitations of Turnitin regarding screenshots and images, offering a comprehensive understanding for students and educators.

How Turnitin Works

Turnitin operates by comparing the text in submitted documents against a vast database of academic works, web pages, and previously submitted papers. The tool generates a similarity report highlighting any matched text, helping educators identify potential plagiarism.

Turnitin’s Limitations with Screenshots and Images

Current Capabilities

Turnitin is primarily designed to analyze text. When it comes to detecting content within images or screenshots, the tool has significant limitations. As of now, Turnitin cannot read or interpret text embedded in images or screenshots. This includes text within infographics, diagrams, and any other visual content.

OCR Technology

While Turnitin itself does not utilize Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to detect text within images, advancements in OCR could potentially change this in the future. OCR technology converts different types of documents, such as scanned paper documents, PDF files, or images captured by a digital camera, into editable and searchable data. However, Turnitin has not integrated this technology into its system yet.

Potential for Detection and Flagging

Although Turnitin cannot read text within images, it can flag submissions that contain an unusually high number of images as suspicious. This is because such submissions may indicate an attempt to bypass the text analysis algorithm. Instructors may manually review these flagged papers to ensure academic integrity.

Academic Integrity and Ethical Considerations

The Importance of Honesty in Academia

Academic integrity is crucial in maintaining the value and credibility of educational qualifications. Attempting to circumvent plagiarism detection tools by using screenshots and images is not only unethical but also undermines the learning process. Students are encouraged to produce original work and properly cite all sources of information.

Instructor Vigilance

Experienced educators can often detect when students attempt to evade plagiarism checks by embedding text in images. Manual checks by instructors play a vital role in upholding academic standards. Educators are advised to remain vigilant and look out for unusual submissions that might require further investigation.

How to Avoid Plagiarism

To maintain academic honesty and avoid the pitfalls of plagiarism detection:

  • Cite Properly: Always give credit to the original authors of the content you use. Proper citation styles should be followed.
  • Paraphrase Effectively: Instead of copying text, try to paraphrase the information while still giving credit to the source.
  • Use Quotation Marks: For direct quotes, use quotation marks and cite the source appropriately.
  • Original Work: Aim to submit your own original work and ideas. This not only helps in avoiding plagiarism but also enhances your learning experience.
  • Utilise Available Tools: Use plagiarism checkers and citation tools to ensure your work is free from unintentional plagiarism.

Future of Plagiarism Detection

As technology evolves, so do the tools designed to uphold academic integrity. It is conceivable that future versions of Turnitin or similar platforms may incorporate OCR technology to detect text within images. This would significantly reduce the chances of students bypassing plagiarism checks through visual content.


In conclusion, while Turnitin is a powerful tool for detecting text-based plagiarism, it currently lacks the capability to detect text within screenshots and images. This limitation, however, does not justify attempts to bypass academic honesty protocols. Students should focus on producing original work and properly citing all sources to maintain academic integrity. As technology progresses, it is likely that plagiarism detection tools will become more sophisticated, potentially closing existing loopholes.


Can Turnitin detect text in images? No, Turnitin cannot currently detect text within images or screenshots. It focuses on text-based content.

What happens if I submit a paper with screenshots of text? Turnitin will not be able to analyse the text within the screenshots. However, the submission might be flagged for containing an excessive number of images, prompting a manual review.

How can I avoid plagiarism in my academic work? To avoid plagiarism, always cite your sources properly, paraphrase information, use quotation marks for direct quotes, and strive to produce original content.

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