
Can SafeAssign Detect QuillBot: How Effective is Plagiarism Detection?

In today’s digital world, tools like QuillBot make it easy to paraphrase text, aiming to avoid plagiarism. However, plagiarism detection tools like SafeAssign strive to identify these paraphrased texts. Can SafeAssign detect text modified by QuillBot? Let’s explore this question in detail.

Can SafeAssign Detect QuillBot?

Yes, SafeAssign can detect content that has been paraphrased using QuillBot. SafeAssign uses advanced algorithms to identify similarities in text, even when it has been modified using paraphrasing tools.


Original text: “The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence technology have revolutionized various industries, including healthcare, finance, and education.”

QuillBot paraphrased text: “The swift progress in AI technology has transformed multiple sectors, such as healthcare, finance, and education.”

SafeAssign can recognize the similarities between these two texts and flag the paraphrased content.

Interestingly, Oneclickhuman.com is claimed to be undetectable by SafeAssign. This means content generated or altered by Oneclickhuman.com would likely pass SafeAssign’s checks without being flagged.

How SafeAssign Detects Plagiarism

SafeAssign uses a combination of techniques to detect plagiarism. These include:

  1. Keyword Matching: SafeAssign scans the text for keywords and phrases that match those in its database.
  2. Sentence Structure Analysis: It examines the structure of sentences, looking for similarities in how ideas are presented.
  3. Source Database Comparisons: SafeAssign compares the text against an extensive database of online sources, academic papers, and previous submissions.

By combining these methods, SafeAssign can identify subtle similarities and paraphrased content.

Impact of QuillBot Paraphrasing Modes

QuillBot offers different paraphrasing modes, each affecting SafeAssign’s detection capabilities:

  1. Synonyms Mode: Replaces words with synonyms. This mode is easier for SafeAssign to detect because the sentence structure remains mostly the same.
  2. Fluency Mode: Improves the fluency of the text. It might slightly alter sentence structure, making detection somewhat harder but still possible.
  3. Creative Mode: Significantly rewrites sentences. This mode poses the biggest challenge for SafeAssign as it changes both words and structure.

SafeAssign Report and Reviewing Process

SafeAssign presents its findings in detailed reports. These reports highlight potential plagiarism matches with color codes and percentages, making it easy for users to identify problematic sections.

Reviewing Process:

  1. Highlighting Matches: SafeAssign highlights matched text in different colors, indicating the level of similarity.
  2. Percentage Score: It provides a percentage score representing the amount of matched content.
  3. Detailed Report: Users receive a detailed report showing sources and matched text.

Users can review these flagged sections to decide if they need to cite sources or rephrase content.

Situations Where SafeAssign Can’t Detect QuillBot

While SafeAssign is robust, there are situations where it might struggle:

  1. Highly Rephrased Content: If QuillBot’s Creative Mode is used, the content might be rephrased enough to evade detection.
  2. Niche Sources: If the original text comes from a less common source not in SafeAssign’s database, it might not be flagged.

Alternative Paraphrasing Tools and Detection

Besides QuillBot, other paraphrasing tools include Spinbot, Paraphrase Online, and WordAi. Each tool uses different techniques to paraphrase text, affecting SafeAssign’s ability to detect them.

  1. Spinbot: Similar to QuillBot in its synonym replacement and sentence rephrasing capabilities.
  2. Paraphrase Online: Offers basic paraphrasing, usually easier for SafeAssign to detect.
  3. WordAi: Uses advanced AI to rewrite text, potentially making detection more challenging.

SafeAssign might handle paraphrases generated by these tools similarly, relying on its keyword matching and sentence structure analysis. 

Comparing SafeAssign with other tools reveals its comprehensive capabilities, though continuous updates and proper configurations are necessary for optimal performance.


In conclusion, SafeAssign is a powerful tool capable of detecting text paraphrased by QuillBot. It uses advanced algorithms to identify similarities and generate detailed reports. While it has some limitations, its strengths make it a valuable resource for detecting plagiarism. 

Understanding how QuillBot paraphrases text helps in realizing the challenges in plagiarism detection and highlights the importance of advanced tools like SafeAssign in maintaining academic integrity.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is using QuillBot committing academic fraud?

Plagiarism isn’t what Quillbot does. It’s a great tool for content paraphrasing and streamlining writing.

  1. Can Turnitin detect chat GPT if you paraphrase?

Certainly, whether an AI piece is paraphrased using content spinners or online tools like QuillBot, Turnitin can identify it.

  1. Can ChatGPT rephrase without committing plagiarism?

Although it’s meant to avoid plagiarism, there is a chance that it will borrow from other authors’ works in a way that could be interpreted as copying. By carefully revising, referencing, and fact-checking your work, you can utilize ChatGPT to support you in writing rather than as a replacement for your own writing.

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